Monday, February 14, 2011

Facts about the Crocodiles

Crocodiles are one of the reptiles that all people would know about it. But behind it all, saved the other facts about the crocodile.

Unique Facts about crocodiles # 1 ~
Crocodiles are reptiles animals that have a physical form similar to the giant lizard.

Unique Facts about crocodiles # 2 ~
crocodile tail act as paddles when swimming, thus helping to move fast in the water.

Unique Facts about crocodiles # 3 ~
In addition to very quickly move in the water, crocodiles are also able to walk on land with a speed of 28 miles per hour or about 45 km / hr.

Unique Facts about crocodiles # 4 ~
A crocodile can not sweat because they do not have sweat glands, crocodile body heat out through the mouth by way of a yawn.

Unique Facts about crocodiles # 5 ~
The largest crocodile ever found was the type of saltwater crocodiles or salt water with the length reaches 6.5 meters.

One type of saltwater crocodiles, but it seems that crocodiles have only 3-4 meters long.
Unique Facts about crocodiles # 6 ~
While the crocodile has the shortest maximum growth is Caviers Dwarf crocodile species Carma who only has a length of 1.5 meters.

Unique Facts about crocodiles # 7 ~
If given the danger, the mother crocodile can enter their children into the mouth. Not to be eaten, but that their child is safe from danger. This is similar to the tilapia fish in similar circumstances as well.

Unique Facts about crocodiles # 8 ~
Crocodiles can live up to 60 years old. Almost the same as modern humans.

Unique Facts about crocodiles # 9 ~
His tongue stuck in their mouths crocodiles and crocodiles can not menggerakkanya free like us.

Unique Facts about crocodiles # 10 ~
Crocodiles also have 4 labyrinth in the heart so similar to humans anymore.